We need a bigger home. Where do we start?

Posted on May 30, 2024

If you own your current home, you'll probably start to think about whether or not you should rent it out or sell it. 

If you sell it, you need to make sure you qualify for a new mortgage. 

Your first step is to reach out to your mortgage broker. (I can refer if you need)

Keep in mind, you could be denied a new mortgage, or the mortgage amount you're wan...

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What's holding you back from making your move?

Posted on Mar 22, 2024

If you're feeling like your home isn't working for you and your family anymore...

And you haven't taken the steps to reach out to your Realtor or mortgage broker...

What's making you hesitate?

Are you worried about the cost of it all?

Are you worried you won't find anything you can afford?

Are you afraid you won't find anything you'll like?

Are you worri...

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What if we don't find a home we love?

Posted on Mar 14, 2024

A very common concern among home buyers I've worked with.

I mean, it's the most expensive thing you'll ever buy. 

It has the ability to be one of the best appreciating assets you'll own.

So worrying about being able to find the right home is a big deal.

I can tell you, through personal experience, that EVERY TIME I have a client ready to buy a home they...

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Will you get your deposit back if you don't buy the house?

Posted on Mar 07, 2024

When a buyer places an offer on a property, one of the items negotiated is a deposit. 

The bigger the deposit, the more serious the offer seems.

If an offer has conditions such as financing and home inspection, this is called a conditional offer. 

Conditional offers have pending periods. Usually one - two weeks.

During the pending period, the buyer is gi...

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5 mistakes you're probably making if you're getting ready to sell

Posted on Feb 29, 2024

 1. Not preparing for closing costs

When getting ready to sell your home with a Realtor you need to prepare for:

- Realtor's commission
- lawyer fees
- outstanding Property tax
- moving costs
- Hiring cleaners for a move-out/move-in clean
- utility hook up fees at new home
- rerouting your mail

Ensure you have at least 1-2% of the purchase price ready to hel...

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10 examples of BAD advice/ideas if you're planning on buying a home

Posted on Feb 22, 2024

1. Buy in a location for more space WITHOUT considering commute times:
Longer commutes can impact your quality of life so make sure you are doing trial runs AT THE TIMES you'd be driving (before and after work) to see how long it takes you.

2. Don't worry about the resale value:
You absolutely have to worry about the resale (I can help determine if it...

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