Who cares about a credit score?

It's just a number a company rates you, it doesn't mean anything...

Well, sort of... 

If you don't EVER need to borrow money to buy things like a car, house, or even meet the criteria to pass a rental application, then you don't have to worry about a good credit score! 

Unfortunately, unless you're a millionaire, you don't have the luxury to buy everything in cash...and even then millionaires' don't buy everything with cash; they generally leverage their money (that's for a different day).

Your credit score is your REPUTATION in the lending world. 

You may be the nicest person, a real bestie, but if you don't have a good credit score, your ability to borrow money, be offered the best terms and a great interest rate diminishes...

Give your credit score a little love, pay your bills on time, don't borrow money you can't afford to pay back and try to limit the amount of cards you apply for:

ie. you do not need 12 credit cards. That way you won't be tempted to rack them up on a passionate shopping spree...

I may or may not know a little about passionate shopping sprees.

Reach out to me if you're thinking of buying but don't know where your credit stands. I work with awesome mortgage brokers that can help with that!
